Looking for an Enterprise Change Management Maturity model?

You can set up a Change Management Office (or Practice as they are also called), but do you have an Enterprise Change Management Maturity roadmap worked out? You may be on the 'accidental' path that we have mentioned here. But you will certainly need one, especially if the appetite for change management is increasing in your organisation due to the results you are getting. This will now mean that you will need an Enterprise Change Management Maturity model to be able to measure your organisation against.

One of the first steps in building change maturity is to measure existing change maturity by applying a Change Management Maturity model assessment, so you have a baseline and your roadmap will then help move your organisation through the levels. Easy? Well the challenge is always in the doing. So let's explore the Enterprise Change Management Maturity model so you know what the levels are and what the indicators are.

How do you know which level you are at?

There are some...

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Next Level Change Success - #7 - Season 1 - The great debate - where should a change function sit in an organisation?

In this Episode we discuss where a Change function should sit in any operating model and why.

We discuss change management maturity and answer one of the most frequently asked questions - where should the change function sit in an organisation?


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Episode highlights
1.20  One of the most asked questions
2.22  The change roadmap which can at first be by accident or as a result of program failure
3.16  Next step to establish and commit to change as a function
3.56  There is change in the program context as well as in the organisational context
4:40  Learning and capability development around change management and change leadership
6.46  Where the function should sit and what other functions should also be in the area
8.22  Important that People and Culture teams embrace the capability and then work well with their change partners in the other areas
9.50  Change practice...

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The ultimate roadmap to change maturity in your organisation

Enterprise Change Management practices and teams are starting to pop up now even more than ever. But what is the typical roadmap to change management having a presence in an organisation and what would the ultimate roadmap to building change maturity into an organisation? Unfortunately maturity is sometimes created by accident and the journey initiated with a poorly implemented change. 

The 'Accidental' journey

The first roadmap I want to share is one which is more the 'accidental journey'. One where it started as a 'we need to fix it' scenario, then grows into something more.

The catalyst for bringing a Change Manager into an organisation, or someone who knows about change is usually because there has been some major change taking place in an organisation and it has failed. Here are some scenarios I have experienced. There is a new IT system which no-one is using, there is a big transformation on the horizon and the program needs someone to scope out and deliver the...

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Next Level Change Success - #6 - Season 1 - How healthy is your organisations Change ecosystem?

In this episode we talk about the different aspects of the change ecosystem in your organisation. Why does it even matter? You could be investing in your change function but still not be achieving organisational agility or effective Program delivery. That is because Change does not function in a void. All of these aspects matter and working well together can add massive value.



You can listen to this episode here or read more in this post.


or on Spotify here.

We begin by setting the scene - why is the change ecosystem in your organisation important?

4:03 How central to this ecosystem is an organisation's culture.

6:55 Strategy - Critical for forward thinking and identifying opportunities.

7:30 Governance - decision making, and risk/opportunity trade off's. Robust governance provides visibility of the work being undertaken across your organisation. 

9:24 Customer Experience - customer research and journey mapping. For both customers and staff.  This...

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How healthy is the Change ecosystem in your organisation?

In my recent podcast episodes I talked about the Diamond of Change effectiveness in Programs. Diamonds however are not meant to be 2 dimensional but multi-faceted. So lets explore all of the aspects of your change ecosystem and fill out that diamond into a multi dimensional, quality, value add diamond. After all, when you walk into a room with significant BLING from that diamond on your hand, it gets noticed. The second element though is the carat and clarity. That is where the real value lies!

When looking at the change ecosystem in your organisation, you should be considering each aspect of this diamond which combines to create value in your organisation. This is achieved through clarity and how well all of these areas are aligned and working together.


Let's explore each area:

Strategy:  There is a big leap between strategy definition for an organisation and then the operationalisation of it. If the strategy is unclear in an organisation or too ambiguous, it can mean...

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How well do you manage the change capacity of your organisation?

So your change cup runneth over and not in a good way? Perhaps your organisation is showing signs of change fatigue, or potentially your programs and improvements aren't delivering as you had assumed? The discipline of managing and measuring change capacity can resolve many issues, and put the leadership team in the drivers seat. Here are some ways decision makers and governance forums can improve the change capacity and agility of your organisation. There are two areas of opportunity strategic and operational.

The first opportunity is in the strategic discussions of your organisation at Executive level

Integrate the change conversation into enterprise wide operating forums. In my experience this is can only be done if there is change maturity which exists in your organisation or if the organisation culturally is people centric. If your organisation is starting to experience the indicators of change fatigue, placing emphasis on a conversation regarding change within the change...

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Next Level Change Success - #5 - Season 1 - What is Change Management all about?

In this podcast Episode I cover what change management is with the aim to demystify it.  We cover the main elements of a change plan and the diamond of Change effectiveness which you can download below.

Here are some of the highlights:

2:10   Often people have different definitions of change in an organisation.

2:34   The ‘real world’ definition of change. The key aspects and focus of change management is to generate full and effective adoption of a new way of working in the shortest time possible with the best ‘user’ experience.

3:52   Change happens over time, not immediately at a Go Live.

4:35   Change Management is the plan which moves people from out of their comfort zone to a new comfort zone.

5:23  The Change Management plan is a bridge to close the gap between current state and future state. It is impermanent and exists to provide a clear pathway for people affected by the change.

5:45  We cover the key...

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The definition of Change Management

There is a standard definition for Change Management. Oxford languages defines it as 'the management of change and development within a business or similar organisation.'

The simplified 'real world' definition is the following:

Change management is the planning and implementation of a series of tactical activities that support individuals, teams, leaders, and/or customers to move from a current way of doing things to a new way of doing things. The goal is to generate effective and full adoption of the new way of working in the shortest possible period of time.

Now that you have a frame of reference as to what it is, let's explore what change management is further and the many challenges with introducing change management into any organisation. As with any new discipline (shout out to behavioural insights specialists and customer experience practitioners), the struggle is real when looking to build credibility due to not many people knowing what change management is or even worse,...

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Next Level Change Success - #4 - Season 1 - Change Overload

In this episode I explore the concept of Change overload in organisations.

In this Episode, Therese covers the ultimate organisational change question – how do you know when you are hitting change overload in your organisation? When is there just too much change taking place where it is impacting your people?

Therese discusses the signs in your organisation where you may be hitting your change capacity and what levers decision makers have in their grasp to better manage the capacity at an Enterprise Change level.

2:40 – Setting the scene for this year and how many are grappling with the ‘new normal’ and the impact of our seasons.

3:45 – We discuss the reality of Cognitive overload and what change practitioners need to consider with this

4:20 – The need to simplify and make Change in organisations easy to engage with.

6:00 – We cover some of the indicators of change overload in organisations.

6:58 – Do your people indicators need to be...

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Next Level Change Success - #3 -Season 1 - NAIDOC week - Lessons from Ancient Cultures

In this episode we talk about NAIDOC week and Therese shares the 3 key lessons she has learned through years of travel and then working with First Nations people that relate to Change Management. These lessons are: Listening, The Approach and Ritual.





1.55 Get up! Stand up! Show up! NAIDOC 2022 . While we have made progress there is a LONG way to go.

4.02 Art of listening. What 'listening' means in the context of projects.

5.40 Change resistance and the challenge to listen more earnestly

8:00 Lesson 2: How you approach change will determine it's success

11:00 Lesson 3: The importance of ritual. How do you integrate ritual into your organisation?

14.06 It is even more important to acknowledge First Nations People.


References and Resources


Welcome to Country

Local Aboriginal Land Councils

Download the Diamond of Program Change Effectiveness


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When the Change overview is ready we will send it out. If you want to know the basics of change, then look no further.