Leaders - when they are collaborating and all aligned to the purpose of an organisation and vision, well there is nothing that can hold an organisation back. Change becomes unified and cohesive. Leadership is one key component of the change ecosystem. It's no just about leadership of course but it is a major contributor to change success or a blocker.
Well the sum of a transformational change is the ability to communicate to every individual and have them rally around a common vision. And who holds the key to that 1:1 communication? The people leader. Every manager, team leader, from the top to the bottom of an organisation. When leaders are aligned to the message, not just understand it, but truly buy into it and can communicate it well, then success is on the horizon. However if there is miscommunication, intentional cynicism, then this can derail the effectiveness of the change. And for some organisations who have many 'layers' of leaders, then this challenge is amplified.
Well that has to be middle management without a doubt. The 'meat in the sandwich', the layer that can and will determine change success. One of the biggest change research studies (Prosci) shows that middle level leadership is the layer that has the most impact - both in a positive and negative way.
There is nothing further from the truth. The CEO sets the vision and the tone, but at an individual level, the people leader is the one that matters. Distortion of message can easily take place and often does, if there isn't leadership effort that skips layers and engages leaders at all levels. Note I mentioned engagement rather than simply communication.
My last point in Myth 1 leads to this myth. Showing a powerpoint slide show explaining the change doesn't mean leaders are engaged. How many times have you seen or experienced this? A presentation followed by a request and expectation on leaders that they are to 'own' the strategy or vision no questions asked? Well if we were robots that would work, but humans work very differently and if you have the right leaders or team members you would expect questions, engagement and discussion. If this myth is believed then change is going to be very hard to embed.
Now even more than ever organisations are rushing change and are expecting their teams to just 'get' what is going on. Focus is on 'fast' under a pretence of 'agile' rather than having any focus on quality. So messages are sent out hard and fast, and leaders mention things once and expect everyone to understand. In this day and age in 2022, what used to be a mantra of say it seven times is now say it twenty one times!! That is right! Why? With the information age comes a LOT of noise so repetition and consistency is even more important than ever.
The best change leader is the charismatic one. A big myth. The best change leader is the most trusted leader. I have experienced, as I am sure you have, that some of the best change leaders are simply pragmatic, can simplify messages and most importantly are authentic with their messaging. Inspiration isn't necessarily about the 'rah rah'. It is about passion and purpose.
In the past this may have been true. The 'get on the train' analogy. But now leaders have to work harder and engage their teams and not just 'sell' a vision. You need to build it WITH your people not in isolation. Good change leaders do not believe in this myth. Thus the evolution and focus on the design phase in the Change Diamond.
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