Our vision

Our mission is to help individuals, team and organisations thrive in times of change. Building capability, high performing teams with strong leadership all linked to change adaptability. All through people!

Practical, Passionate, Progressive


Because People Matter!



Come, listen and build your change knowledge.

Both on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, you can catch Therese talking all things change! Be informed and achieve better outcomes through your projects and change. 

Assess your organisation

Complete this brief assessment to understand the level of Enterprise Change Management maturity in your organisation.

An expert with almost 20 years of project and change experience. Someone who is passionate about unlocking the potential of people in organisations.

Learn from an expert who has run many projects, and change reforms over almost 20 years. From HR programs, IT programs, setting up Governance structures and introducing change and project expertise across a number of industries, Therese is a passionate practitioner. With Prosci accreditation, Prince2 practitioner level accreditation and experience using a vast range of tools, Therese brings a balance of strategic and operational experience to the table. Passionate about people, leadership and how to embed a practice that saves time and money and generates powerful value, Therese is a leader in Change thinking. Therese is also a wife and mother who understands the pressures facing many people in organisations from day to day. She is a life long learner and enjoys sharing her experiences in the hope that it assists others. All views expressed, do not reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organisation, employer or company.

Want to get in touch?

Call: + 61 2 488418560 Email: [email protected]

"Therese is as an excellent and experienced program director and change professional. I learned so much from working with Therese and am excited to see the virtual change manager site developing and sharing such great content. Congratulations Therese on delivering innovations to the way change is done and knowledge is shared."

Karen P
Communications Manager

"I have had the pleasure to work with Therese in several roles, firstly as a very competent Change Manager and secondly under her leadership as a Director. In both roles she was well respected, provided solid direction having a clear strategic view and always delivered well beyond expectation. Therese was always available to provide support and guidance when required, having a clear understanding of impacts both internal and external. She is very considered, compassionate and knows her stuff. I would be privileged to have the opportunity to work with Therese again."

Margot R
Program Manager

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