Do you need a Change Management Plan template?

There are 2 levels of change introduced into organisations - Operational change and Transformational change. There are a number of things that determine which category your change falls into. The size of the impact of your change, and how many ways the people are impacted. 

If you are just starting out in either managing change or projects and don't know where to start when it comes to managing change or supporting your organisation through it then I recommend you check out my Operational Change Management course. Why? Well, I put it together to step any individual through the change management process end to end. It's easy to follow and it also has all the templates you would need to be able to assess impacts, put together a plan and I have even laid out some possible change activities you may want to consider.


Take it from someone who knows after years of experience, a framework and templates are a great starting point, but if you don't know how to use them they aren't worth the paper (or screen) they are on. I wish something similar to my course had existed when I started. It would have made applying the theory a lot easier. And it's cost effective too. You don't need to spend thousands to be able to apply change management to your next program. 

Here are the main change management templates you get access to:

  • Stakeholder mapping
  • Impact assessments
  • Change and communications activity plan

Just to name a few! And you will get practical tips from my years of experience.

So have a look and see if it is for you!

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