Season 1- Episode 9- What does it take to be a great change practitioner?

In my latest episode of Next Level Change success, I share my thoughts on what it takes to be a great change practitioner. And it isn't probably what you are thinking. 

If you are a change practitioner, have a listen and see whether you agree. if you are hiring change managers, or you are a people leader of Change practitioners, then listen to this podcast to get some ideas on what you may be looking for.

2.09 We cover the three areas to consider.

2.50 Self-awareness and the life long journey in your career.

3:47 How self development added value to my role in identifying behaviours.

4:37 Perfection is an illusion and everyone has different reactions to change.

5:03 The importance of boundary setting and how it empowers people through change.

7:01 Diffusing situations, managing conflict, listening and building trust.The ability to handle stressful situations and self-regulate comes from working on yourself.

8.18 It helps if your purpose lines up with what you do.

9:45 Vulnerability - whilst it has become popular there are many scenarios where if you are vulnerable you will benefit in Change.

10:47 The link between vulnerability and asking for feedback. 

11.20 What a robust feedback system looks like,

12.17 Why passive feedback isn't productive.

12.53 Formal and informal - on the spot feedback is powerful.

13.20 A word of caution regarding when you get feedback.

15.13 Being a continual learner and how that relates to vulnerability.

17.03 The level of vulnerability required to test and pilot, and possibly 'fail'.

19.20 Resilience and the role that self-care plays.

19.55 The amount if resilience needed in change roles is often underestimated.

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